We have had an impressive number of submited abstracts. Check out the accepted abstracts here!






Educational tools in OR/MS


Developing training for industrial wood supply management


Dag Fjeld

  SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Educational tool for wood flow optimization

   Mikael Frisk   Creative Optimization Sweden AB
An educational tool in value chain management – A case study competition in the forest sector   Jean-Francois Audy   Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres

Fire and pest - modeling and control


Cost-effective planning of forest invasive species surveillance with the maximum expected coverage concept

  Denys Yemshanov    Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Great Lakes Forestry Centre 

Economic impacts and new control strategies for the pine processionary moth (PPM) in French maritime pine forests 

  Claudio Petucco   Laboratory of Forest Economics, AgroParisTech - INRA

Quantification of economic damages and costs of ash dieback in France

  Claudio Petucco   Laboratory of Forest Economics, AgroParisTech - INRA 

Forest Decison Support Systems - construction and use 


Testing the efficiency of adjacency algorithms for solving unit restricted models

  Jan Kašpar   Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, CULS Prague

Decision support in a bio-economy for comparative SIA, LCA and ESI calculations in ToSIA

  Diana Tuomasjukka   European Forest Institute 
Implementing optimization in transportation follow up   Patrik Flisberg   Skogforsk - The forestry research institute of Sweden

Integrating Wildfire Risk and spread in a Cellular Forest harvesting Model.The static problem.

  Susete Marques    Forest Research Center, School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon 

Integrating forest management planning at forest holding and single stand level

  Jussi Rasinmäki   Simosol Oy

“TIMBHAS” – A new software for optimal harvest scheduling and road upgrading that anyone can use

  Peder Wikström   TreeSys

The Swedish Heureka forest decision support system – Five years’ experience of a many-sided system

  Tomas Lämås    Dept of Forest Resource Management, SLU, Umeå, Sweden 

Forest fibre cascade in the Canadian forest products sector- development of an agent-based model

  Saeed Ghafghazi    Research Associate - University of British Columbia
Rethinking silvicultural decision support with Forest Glass   Christian Rosset   Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL 

A New Decision Support System to Analyze the Impacts of Climate Change on the Hungarian Forestry and Agricultural Sectors

  Kornél Czimber   University of West-Hungary
How useful are decision support systems for forest planners? Lessons learned from a DSS for wood allocation and harvest area selection   Mustapha Ouhimmou   École de technologie supérieure, Montréal

Forest management and biodiversity 


Forest harvesting while maintaining potential home range core areas for the Fisher

  Richard Church    University of California, Santa Barbara

A Multi-objective Mathematical Programming Analysis of Forest Carbon Management

  Midhun Mohan    Department of Operations Research, North Carolina State University, NC, USA 

Automated selection of land conversion- and retention-based measures for stormwater control

  Jochen Breschan    ETH Zurich 

Can Sustainable Forest Management Help Mitigate Climate Change? A Canadian case

  Marc-André Carle    Université Laval 

Decision support toolkit FOR ADAPTive management of forest ecosystem services across borders in Europe

  Brady J. Mattsson   University of Natural Resources & Life Sciences - Vienna

Can both timber production and woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) coexist on boreal forest landscapes?

  David L. Martell    Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto

Dynamic Reserve Selection in the Face of Climate Change

  Sandor F. Toth    University of Washington

Pests, buffers, policy, and climate: Measuring economic impacts in a complicated environment

  Travis Warziniack    US Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station

Design for Multiple Species with Connectivity Consideration at Species Level

  Hayri Onal   University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

Forest operations 


Dynamics of seaborne timber harvesting and transport operations in the Norwegian fjords

  Bruce Talbot    Norwegian institute of bioeconomy research

Logging costs in uneven-aged forest management compared with even-aged

  Rikard Jonsson    Skogforsk - The forestry research institute of Sweden 
Optimization of in-field drying of wood logging residues for energy products    Christopher Hopkins    North Carolina State University 

Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods 

Negotiating ecosystem services supply targets with multiple criteria methods   Jose G. Borges    Forest Research Centre, School of Agricuture, University of Lisbon 
State-local conflict of land use: results of a bio-economic model in Zagros, Iran    Arezoo Soltani    Faculty of Social Sciences, Sogn og Fjordane University College

Multiple Ecosystem Services and Fire Resistance Indicator Targets Definition using MCDM

  Susete Marques   Forest Research Center, School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon
Long-term forest planning in participatory environments using AHP and TOPSIS    Eva-Maria Nordström    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) 

OR/MS techniques for forest planning 


Fuzzy spatial multi-criteria decision making for monitoring forest road management under steep terrain 

  Sattar Ezzati    Ph.D candidate of Forest Planning and Researcher visitor in SLU, Umea 

Metaheuristic Search Reversion in Forest Planning 

  Pete Bettinger    University of Georgia 

Reengineering of Forest Road Networks – Integrated harvest and road network layout planning including road up- or downgrading 

  Leo Bont    ETH Zurich 

Planning for wildlife corridors and harvest scheduling: a case study in northern Sweden

  Rachel St John    University of Washington 

On the optimality of continuous cover vs. clearcut regimes in utilizing Fennoscandian Norway Spruce 

  Olli Tahvonen    University of Helsinki 

Optimizing the harvest timing in uneven-aged forestry 

  Janne Rämö    University of Helsinki 

Pigouvian carbon subsidies and the optimal choice between clearcuts and continuous cover forestry 

  Aino Assmuth    University of Helsinki 

The economics of timber and bioenergy production and carbon storage in Norway spruce stands 

  Sampo Pihlainen    University of Helsinki, The Department of Forest Sciences 

Determining the appropriate timing of the next forest inventory: Incorporating forest owner preferences and the uncertainty of forest data quality 

  Kyle Eyvindson    University of Helsinki 

Automatic selection of contiguous forest reserves

  Sabrina Maurer     

A p-median model formulation to automate stand delineation

  Jochen R. Breschan    ETH Zurich 

Optimal forest species mixture with carbon storage and albedo effect for climate change 

  Lauri Valsta    Department of Forest Sciences, University of Helsinki 

Forest Harvest Scheduling with Endogenous Road Costs 

  Kai Ross    University of Washington 

A New Model to Capture Edge Effects in Forest Management 

  Kai Ross    University of Washington 

Optimal Scheduling of Silviculture and Harvests at the Stand and Macro-Stand Levels

  Karl R Walters    Remsoft Inc. 

Comparing Different Candidate Solution Generators in a Simulated Annealing Approach 

  Paulo Borges    Norwegian University of Life Sciences 
An integrated tactical planning model for wood allocation: a Canadian case study    Tasseda Boukherroub    Université Laval 

Planning and control systems for the forest-based supply chains

Calibrated Route Finder – use and practical experiences   

Gunnar Svensson 

  Skogforsk - The forestry research institute of Sweden  

Reactive wood transportation planning using simulation-optimizatio 

  Alexandra Marques    Inesc TEC

Integrated dry kiln assignment into production planning at a sawmill 

  Maria Anna Huka    Universtity of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna 

Considering tree growth in the strategic optimisation of the poplar-for-paper supply chain in Flanders, Belgium 

  Annelies De Meyer    KU Leuven 

Monitoring Logistics Operations of the Forest Based Supply Chain in (near) Real-Time utilizing Harmonization approaches: a case study from Austria 

  Johannes Scholz    Researchstudios Austria, Studio iSPACE 

Mapping the effects of rail system configuration on delivery precision, stock levels and lead times in pulpwood supply 

  Dag Fjeld   Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Flow optimization of timber with respect to the sawmills profit- A case study of Bergs Timber AB

  Kenny Svahn    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Transportation and routing 

  Mikael Rönnqvist   Université Laval 

Integration of OR and MPC techniques to the biomass supply chain for energy production 

  Tatiana M. Pinho    INESC TEC and Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro 

A simulation-based optimization approach to integrated inventory management of Canadian forest products industry supply chain with supply and demand uncertainty 

  Shashi Shahi    PhD Student 
Decision support for operational harvest planning    Mikael Frisk    Skogforsk - The forestry research institute of Sweden 

Planning and Control of Forest-Based Supply Chains utlizing an Integrated Model-Based Approach with Focus on Forest Ecosystem Management 

  Christian Rosset   Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL 

Re-aligning supply and demand for hardwood pulpwood in Quebec, Canada

  Gregory Paradis    FORAC Research Consortium, Université Laval 

Analyzing rail road terminal performance in the forest wood supply chain 

  Manfred Gronalt    University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna 

BeST Way – the next generation of forwarding planning

  Karin Westlund    Skogforsk - The forestry research institute of Sweden  

TRUPP – Model for evaluation of trucking contractors roundwood transports

  Axel Sandahl   Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) 

Mitigating rut formation with the aid of cartographic depth to water (DTW) index

  Sima Mohtashami    Skogforsk - The forestry research institute of Sweden   

The forest-based sector – challenges and policies


Major objectives of India´s long-term forest policy

  Dr.S.K.Sharma   Carman Residential and Day School

Foresight for the forest-based sector – combining quantitative and qualitative approaches 

  Hans Fredrik Hoen    Norwegian University of Life Sciences 

Changes and current situation of operation sector on forestry census in Japan 

  Akie Kawasaki   Kyushu University 

Combining backcasting with forest sector projection models to provide paths into the future bio-economy

  Hanne K. Sjølie    Norwegian University of Life Sciences 

Potential U.S. forest greenhouse gas impacts of expanded e.u. wood pellet demand

  Gregory Latta   Oregon State University

Designing a Multiple Ownership System to Perform Cumulative Effects Analysis at a Multiple Ownership

  Kevin Boston   Oregon State University

Reassessing forest products demand functions using a panel co-integration approach

  Paul Rougieux   INRA, UMR 356 E´conomie Forestie`re, F-54000 Nancy, France

Modeling carbon leakage impacts of the EU climate policies with a global forest sector model 

  Alexander Moiseyev    Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway

A new high resolution full European scale forest resource simulator addressing the bioeconomy questions 

  Gert-Jan Nabuurs    Alterra, Wageningen University and Research 

Limited pattern heuristics for forest level bucking

  Satyaveer S Chauhan   Concordia University

A method to calculate a forestry sector’s inflation in Brazil – the impacts in a discounted cash flow of an investment analysis

  Silvana Ribeiro Nobre   Atrium Forest Consulting 
Risk and uncertainty in the forest sector- state of the art and future research directions   Rafal Chudy    1- Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)

Transportation & routing 

Network-based formulation to solve real-time transportation problems in forestry    Amine Amrouss    Université de Montréal
Strategic planning of investments in forest roads    Victor Asmoarp    Skogforsk - The forestry research institute of Sweden   



Spatial harvest scheduling respecting forest ecosystem fragmentation

  Róbert Marušák    Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, CULS Prague 

Coniferous forest-forming tree species in Siberia under climate change of the 21st century 

  Elena Parfenova    Forest Institute of SB RAS 

Optimal managing of forest structure using data simulated optimal control

  Jitka Janova    Department of Statistics and Operational Analysis, Mendel University in Brno 
Investigation of Environmental Impacts for Skidder and Modified Tractor at Harvesting Operation in Turkey    Tolga Ozturk    Istanbul University, Faculty of Forestry 
Testing the smart-phone application for stand measurements MOTI   Andrej Ficko   University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources, Slovenia 

Assessment of post fire harvesting operations in Turkey

  Ebru Bilici    Istanbul University, Faculty of Forestry 

Assessment of the nation-wide¬ suspended sediment transport incorporating the effects of forest transition 

  Goro Mouri    University of Tokyo 
Analysing the Hardwood Supply Chain Network with QFD    Sebastian Kühle    BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Science - Institute of Wood Technology and Natural Materials 

Spatial optimization of restoration projects in fire prone forests: tradeoffs and production possibility frontiers 

  Alan Ager    USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station 

Conceptual DSS for optimal Wood Mobilization in northeast of Portugal

  Fernando Perez-Rodriguez    IPB & CIMO 

Open J: a platform for generating Fortran 90 applications e.g. for forest decision support

  Juha Lappi    Natural Resources Institute Finland 

Tree Growth Model Sybila Implementation as a Decision Support System in the Bulgarian Forests

  Ivan Paligorov    University of Forestry, Sofia

EucaTool®, a cloud computing application to facilitate decision-making for the management of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. plantations in Galicia (NW Spain) 

  Fernando Pérez Rodríguez    VSonCloud S.L.

An overview of shipment-level variation for maritime transport of roundwood and chips in the Baltic Sea area

  Dag Fjeld    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 

The forest roads’ Environmental Suitability based on the Multi Criteria Evaluation (MCE) Method and the contribution to the sustainable development 

  Stergios Tampekis    Department of Planning and Regional Development 

Time consumption and performance of harvesters in salvage felling i Czech Republic

  Jiri Dvorak    Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Forests in the future greenhouse gas balance of Finland

  Maarit Kallio   Natural Resources Institute Finland