TREE: Transition to efficient electrified forestry transport

The transition to electrified vehicles in the forestry sector would have a significant impact on reducing Sweden's CO2 emissions, while the results and knowledge gained will be transferable to other industries. To shift to fossil-free transport, a systemic transformation is needed, where we collectively develop business models, logistics planning, and technology.
The overall goal of the project is to contribute to 50% of new trucks in forestry being electrified by 2030. To achieve this, a system demonstrator is planned, distributed across seven sites. The system demonstrator will include innovative technical solutions, business models adapted for electrified transport, and tests of planning strategies and tools. The project will also build knowledge on the impact of policies and external factors, as well as develop an industry-wide roadmap for the transition.
Skogforsk, the forestry industry's joint research institute, is coordinating the project together with the network organization CLOSER at Lindholmen Science Park. The project involves an additional 20 partners, including forestry companies, logistics firms, haulers, charging companies, technology companies, and universities.
The project runs from November 20, 2023, to November 19, 2026, with support from the FFI (Strategic Vehicle Research and Innovation) program at Vinnova.
Vision, aim, objectives
- Vision
Efficient, electrified, forestry transports - Aim
Accelerate the transition to electrified heavy transports by removing system barriers - Objectives
Contribute so that at least 50% of new trucks sold 2030 are electric
TREE in numbers
- 20 partners (se partners below)
- 157 MSEK total project budget
- 67 MSEK governmental funding
- 36 months long
- 12 electric forestry trucks
- 7 sites
- 1 e-trailer
- 1 e-HCT (High Capacity Transport)
- 2 MESS (Mobile Energy Storage Systems)
- Skogforsk
- Closer (Lindholmen Science Park)
- Scania
- Stora Enso
- Sveaskog
- Södra
- Holmen
- DalaFrakt
- Alltransport i Östergötland
- OP Höglunds
- LBC Frakt
- VSV Unite
- Virkeslogistik Mellansverige
- Nimbnet
- Zelk Energy
- Biometria
- bev-r
- Kungliga Tekniska högskolan (Royal Institute of Technology)
Contact information
Skogforsk: Anna Pernestål, +46 (0)72-961 81 16
Holmen: Elin Jaldeland, +46 (0)730-662076
SCA: Anton Ahlinder, +46 (0)76-79 25 323
Stora Enso: Jörgen Olofsson, +46 (0)70-6508456
Sveaskog: Anna Ahlin, +46 (0)10-544 98 49
Södra: Joel Persson, +46 (0)470-85629