Latest news
PhD student position - simulation of electrification of forestry road transports
To accelerate the electrification of forest transports, Skogforsk is looking for a PhD student in mathematical simulation of sociotechnical systems.
3/14/2024 7:49 AM
Replace safety windows in time
An undamaged and properly functioning window in the operator's cabin on forestry machines can be crucial when accidents happen. Read about how to reduce the risk of the safety window breaking.
12/15/2023 3:44 PM
Guidelines improve monitoring of forest fires
Large forest fires often occur when extinguished fires flare up again. Guidelines are now available on monitoring forest fires to reduce the risk of flare-up after finished firefighting.
9/8/2023 5:02 PM
Project to investigate survival of forest plants
A new Skogforsk lead project will investigate the reasons why less than 80 percent* of preferred plants in Swedish reforestation projects survive after reaching three years of age.
6/20/2022 4:40 PM
Planter’s guide - a joint decision support tool for Scots pine plant material in Sweden and Finland
This new tool provides recommendations of the best Scots pine seedlings from contemporary seed orchards. It allows the user to select a planting site and compare plant material from both countries.
9/17/2019 8:07 AM
Master’s thesis proposal: Harvester logging without end splits
Log end splitting is common in the cut-to-length process of harvesting forest. We are working to solve the problem and are now looking for master thesis students to help us.
1/10/2019 12:00 PM

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