We wish you welcome to SLU, University of agricultural sciences in Uppsala


The conference will be arranged in Uppsala, the fourth largest city in Sweden with roughly 200 000 citizens.

Uppsala is located 80 km north of Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, with excellent communications between the cities.

Uppsalas main business is knowledge, and today you find 45 000 students in the city. University of Uppsala was founded in 1477, and today the city is also one of three homes for Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU.

Ultuna Campus

Just outside the city center of Uppsala you will find SLU, and Ultuna campus, located on the western banks of Fyrisån (The Fyris river). Here we will find good conference facilities and a good restaurant that will serve us our meals and refreshments. All conference sessions and group meetings will take place here.



There are a variety of accomodations in Uppsala

Learn more at Destiantion Uppsala


Hotell Gillet offers 15% discount on all hotel rooms for participants in the conference.

Make your reservation directly by phone +46 18 68 18 00 or email cl.uppsala@choice.se. Give Skogforsk and the code 16780866 to get the discount when you book your room.  


Hotel Scandic Uplandia offers discounted room rates for participants in SSAFR2015 for reservations made no later than July 10th 2015.

Single Standard room including breakfast 1250 SEK per night 

Double Standard room including breakfast 1350 SEK per night

Make your reservation directly by phone +46 18 495 26 13 or email uplandia@scandichotels.com. Give the code SKO180815 when you make your reservation.


Ground transportation

Uppsala is easy to reach by train or bus.

Plan your train trip  (set your destination to Uppsala C).

For those of the participants who choose to stay in the city center of Uppsala, there are good communications to SLU, Ultuna Campus by bus.

Plan your bustrip within Uppsala (set your destination to Uppsala Campus Ultuna)

Every day there will be a possibility to take the conference shuttle bus between the city centre and Ultuna campus. See the Program Overview page for more details.


Flight transportation

Participants traveling by air should arrive at the Arlanda International Airport, 30 km south of Uppsala.

Arlanda is connected to major hubs across Europe with daily flights and with several cities in North America and Asia 

From the airport to Uppsala you can choose between different means of transportation.

Train transport

Airport buses


Please note that, according Swedish regulations, the taxi company is free to set its own price for every trip. You do not have to choose the car that stands head of the queue, regardless of what the drivers are saying. Whether you are hailing a cab outside the terminal or preorder we recommend you to choose Uppsala Taxi.

To and from Arlanda airport we recommend you to request a fixed price. You should not have to pay more than 500 SEK for your trip to Uppsala.


Gert Andersson
Program Manager
Karin Andersson
Previously employed
Fredrik Staland
Previously employed