Research areas
Our research benefits the entire forestry sector, and we follow the flow of wood from the tiny seed all the way to the mill gate. Want to find out more? Take a look at our research areas!
Work environment
In close collaboration with machine manufacturers, Skogforsk is developing technology, methods, and procedures to promote a healthy work environment.
Contractor forestry
Forest contractors account for most of the operative forestry in Sweden. Skogforsk supports these enterprises by providing performance indicators, simplified agreements, regulatory frameworks, etc.
Tree breeding
High-quality, resistant and climate-adapted plants lay the foundation for a profitable and sustainable use of forest. Skogforsk genetically improves trees for the Swedish forestry sector.
Forest damage
Damage caused by wildlife, insects and fungi costs the forestry vast sums of money. Skogforsk is developing measures to prevent attacks in thicket-stage and young forests.
Wood & fuel properties
Skogforsk is working towards a bioeconomy by developing tools and methods to ensure better utilisation of forest products.
Logistics and transport
Transport accounts for a large proportion of the costs in forestry. Improving the efficiency of vehicles and logistics offers great scope for reducing these costs. Skogforsk makes this possible.
Efficient wood supply chains increase profitability for both the forest owner and industry. We are developing tools and methods to make this possible.
Technology & machinery
Improving productivity is one of the biggest challenges for the forestry. Skogforsk is developing technological and methodological solutions to increase productivity and minimize environmental impact.
Skogforsk is developing new and improved ways of managing the forest for profitable production through improved tree growth, quality and conservation.
Seedling production
Skogforsk provides the forestry with high quality seeds and plants. We are developing new methods for treating seeds and cultivating plants, and offer an advisory service about seeds and plants.
Environmental consideration
Skogforsk is conducting research aimed at promoting sustainable Swedish forestry and reducing environmental damage.
Soil and water
How does forestry affect soil and water? How can we minimise damage to the ground caused by forest machines? These are some of the issues we are tackling in our research.