Mateusz Liziniewicz
Ekebo 2250
268 90 Svalöv
Visa Mateuszs publikationer
Publikationer i urval
År | Titel | Författare | Tidskrift |
2025 | Multiple, Single Trait GWAS and Supervised Machine Learning Reveal the Genetic Architecture of Fraxinus excelsior Tolerance to Ash Dieback in Europe | Doonan, James M. Budde, Katharina B. Kosawang, Chatchai Lobo, Albin Verbylaite, Rita Brealey, Jaelle C. Martin, Michael D. Pliura, Alfas Thomas, Kristina Konrad, Heino Seegmüller, Stefan Liziniewicz, Mateusz Cleary, Michelle Nemesio-Gorriz, Miguel Fussi, Barbara Kirisits, Thomas Gilbert, M. Thomas P. Heuertz, Myriam Kjær, Erik Dahl Nielsen, Lene Rostgaard |
Plant, Cell & Environment |
2024 | Growth response of Pinus sylvestris L. and Picea abies [L.] H. Karst to climate conditions across a latitudinal gradient in Sweden | Ogana, Friday N. Holmström, Emma Aldea, Jorge Liziniewicz, Mateusz |
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology |
2023 | Multivariate mixed-effects models for stand characteristics of hybrid aspen plantations in southern Finland and southern Sweden | Lee, Daesung Siipilehto, Jouni Beuker, Egbert Fahlvik, Nils Liziniewicz, Mateusz Hynynen, Jari |
Forest Ecology and Management |
2023 | Development of a universal height response model for transfer of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) in Fennoscandia | Liziniewicz, Mateusz Berlin, Mats Solvin, Thomas Hallingbäck, Henrik R. Haapanen, Matti Ruotsalainen, Seppo Steffenrem, Arne |
Forest Ecology and Management |
2023 | Trap catch data are poor predictors of damage caused by pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) to conifer seedlings | Nordlander, Göran Björklund, Niklas Hellqvist, Claes Nordenhem, Henrik Liziniewicz, Mateusz Hjelm, Karin |
Forest Ecology and Management |
2023 | A glimmer of hope–ash genotypes with increased resistance to ash dieback pathogen show cross‐resistance to emerald ash borer | Gossner, Martin M Perret‐Gentil, Anouchka Britt, Elisabeth Queloz, Valentin Glauser, Gaétan Ladd, Tim Roe, Amanda D Cleary, Michelle Liziniewicz, Mateusz Nielsen, Lene R |
New Phytologist |
2023 | Non-Destructive Evaluation of Downy and Silver Birch Wood Quality and Stem Features from a Progeny Trial in Southern Sweden | Jones, Grace Liziniewicz, Mateusz Lindeberg, Johan Adamopoulos, Stergios |
Forests |
2023 | Growth and quality of 16-year-old sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) planted in traditional and alternative row planting patterns | Andrzejczyk, Tadeusz Liziniewicz, Mateusz Bolibok, Leszek |
Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research |
2023 | A glimmer of hope – ash genotypes with increased resistance to ash dieback pathogen show cross-resistance to emerald ash borer | Gossner, Martin M. Perret-Gentil, Anouchka Britt, Elisabeth Queloz, Valentin Glauser, Gaétan Ladd, Tim Roe, Amanda D. Cleary, Michelle Liziniewicz, Mateusz Nielsen, Lene R. Ghosh, Soumya K. Bonello, Pierluigi Eisenring, Michael |
New Phytologist |
2022 | Production of genetically improved silver birch plantations in southern and central Sweden | Liziniewicz, Mateusz Barbeito, Ignacio Zvirgzdins, Andis Stener, Lars-Göran Niemistö, Pentti Fahlvik, Nils Johansson, Ulf Karlsson, Bo Nilsson, Urban |
Silva Fennica |
2022 | Monitoring of long-term tolerance of European ash to Hymenoscyphus fraxineus in clonal seed orchards in Sweden | Liziniewicz, Mateusz Tolio, Beatrice Cleary, Michelle |
Forest Pathology |
2021 | New methods of oak planting require modification of tending prescriptions under high browsing pressure – A case study from north-eastern Poland | Bolibok Leszek Andrzejczyk Tadeusz Szeligowski Henryk Liziniewicz Mateusz |
Forest Ecology and Management |
2021 | Genetic Parameters of Stem and Wood Traits in Full-Sib Silver Birch Families | Jones, Grace Liziniewicz, Mateusz Adamopoulos, Stergios Lindeberg, Johan |
Forests |
2020 | Estimation of Genetic Parameters and Selection of Superior Genotypes in a 12-Year-Old Clonal Norway Spruce Field Trial after Phenotypic Assessment Using a UAV | Liziniewicz, Mateusz Ene, Liviu Theodor Malm, Johan Lindberg, Jens Helmersson, Andreas Karlsson, Bo |
Forests |
2020 | Advantage of clonal deployment in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst) | Chen, Zhiqiang Thi Hai, Hong N Helmersson, Andreas Liziniewicz, Mateusz Hallingbäck, Henrik R Fries, Anders Berlin, Mats Wu, Harry X |
Annals of For. Sci. |
2019 | Knot properties of sawn boards from unthinned lodgepole pine stands planted in different initial spacings: a case study from northern Sweden | Liziniewicz, Mateusz Lula, Mikolaj |
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research |
2019 | Improved varieties perform well in realized genetic gain trials with Norway spruce seed sources in southern Sweden | Liziniewicz, Mateusz Karlsson, Bo Helmersson, Andreas |
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research |
2019 | Differences in growth and areal production between Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) regeneration material representing different levels of genetic improvement | Liziniewicz, M Berlin, Mats |
Scand. J. For. Res. |
2018 | Early assessments are reliable indicators for future volume production in Norway spruce ( Picea abies L. Karst) genetic field trials | Liziniewicz, Mateusz Berlin, Mats Karlsson, Bo |
Forest Ecology and Management |
2018 | Effects of phenotypic selection on height-diameter ratio of Norway spruce and Scots pine in Sweden | Egbäck, Samuel Karlsson, Bo Högberg, Karl-Anders Nyström, Kenneth Liziniewicz, Mateusz Nilsson, Urban |
Silva Fennica |
2018 | Over- and Underyielding in Time and Space in Experiments with Mixed Stands of Scots Pine and Norway Spruce | Drössler, Lars Agestam, Eric Bielak, Kamil Dudzinska, Małgorzata Koricheva, Julia Liziniewicz, Mateusz Löf, Magnus Mason, Bill Pretzsch, Hans Valkonen, Sauli Wellhausen, Klaas |
Forests |