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Docent i skogsföryngring. Forskar främst på frågor som rör plantering, såsom effekter av markberedning, och olika typer av plantmaterial på överlevnad, tillväxt och skador. Är biträdande programchef i Skogsskötselprogrammet och programledare i forskningsprogrammet FRAS.
År | Titel | Författare | Tidskrift |
2020 | Influence of mechanical site preparation on regeneration success of planted conifers in clearcuts in Fennoscandia – a review | Sikström, U Hjelm, K Holt Hanssen, K Saksa, T Wallertz, K |
Silva Fennica |
2019 | Early growth of planted Norway spruce and Scots pine after site preparation in Sweden | Nilsson, O Hjelm, K Nilsson, U |
Scand. J. For. Res. |
2019 | Effects of mechanical site preparation and slash removal on long-term productivity of conifer plantations in Sweden | Hjelm, K Nilsson, U Johansson, U Nordin, P |
Canadian Journal of Forest Research |
2018 | Comparison of different site preparation techniques: quality of planting spots, seedling growth and pine weevil damage | Wallertz, K Björklund, N Hjelm, K Petersson, M Sundblad, L-G |
New Forests |
2018 | The demand of hybrid aspen (Populus tremula × P. tremuloides) on site conditions for a successful establishment on forest land. | Hjelm, K Rytter, L |
Silva Fennica |
2018 | Establishment strategies for poplars, including mulch and plant types, on agricultural land in Sweden | Hjelm, K Mc Carthy, R Rytter, L |
New Forests |
2018 | Differences in Al sensitivity affect establishment of Populus genotypes on acidic forest land | Böhlenius, H Asp, H Hjelm, K |
2017 | Influence of climate and forest management on damage risk by the pine weevil Hylobius abietis in northern Sweden. | Nordlander, G Mason, E.G Hjelm, K Nordenhem, H Hellqvist, C |
Silva Fennica |
2017 | Replanting conifer seedlings after pine weevil emigration in spring decreases feeding damage and seedling mortality. | Nordlander, G Hellqvist, C Hjelm, K |
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research |
2017 | Effects of soil preparation methods and plant types on the establishment of poplars on forest land | Mc Carthy, R Rytter, L Hjelm, K |
Annals of Forest Science |
2017 | Natural regeneration in a multi-layered Scots pine-Norway spruce forest in southern Sweden after target diameter harvest and soil scarification | Drössler, L Fahlvik, N Wysocka, N Hjelm, K Kuehne, C |
Forests |
2016 | Scenario analysis of planting density and pre-commercial | Holmström E Hjelm K Karlsson M Nilsson U |
European Journal of Forest Research |
2016 | The influence of soil conditions, with focus on soil acidity, on the establishment of poplar (Populus spp.) | Hjelm, K Rytter, L |
New Forests |
2016 | Natural regeneration on planted clearcuts - the easy way to mixed forest | Holmström, E Ekö, P.M Hjelm, K Karlsson, M Nilsson, U |
Open Journal of Forestry |
2016 | Pre-commercial thinning, birch admixture and sprout management in planted Norway spruce stands in South Sweden | Holmström, E Hjelm, K Karlsson, M Johansson, U Valkonen, S Nilsson, U |
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research |
2016 | Scenario analysis of planting density and pre-commercial thinning: will the mixed forest have a chance? | Holmström, E Hjelm, K Karlsson, M Nilsson, U |
European Journal of Forest Research |
2016 | Replanting conifer seedlings after pine weevil | Nordlander, G Hellqvist, C Hjelm, K |
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research |
2016 | Effects of planting time on pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) damage to Norway spruce seedlings | Wallertz, K Holt Hanssen, K Hjelm, K Sundheim Flöistad, I |
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research |