This deliverable contains an initial analysis of the main drivers and barriers for the use of Information and communication technology (ICT) traceability technology in the wood supply chain.

The analysis is divided into four general aspects: technical, economic, environmental and organisational as a generic introduction followed by applied aspects from different parts of the value chain. Where relevant, differences between hardwood and softwood as well as between Scandinavian and French conditions are pointed out. The document also accounts for specific information and priorities of the Indisputable Key case study industries.
The purpose of this document is primarily to help planning and prioritisation of the remaining work in work package (WP) 3 of Indisputable Key and partly also other work packages in the project. The document sets up potential pathways for future work to be done in the WP3.

Nr 118-2009    Publicerad 2009-01-01 00:30

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