Bild: Curt Almqvist
.Formulas for correlations among true and estimated breeding values were developed for controlled crosses and poly-mixes.

The formulas consider additive and dominance variation, family size and number of pollen parents. The formulas and other considerations lead among other matters to the following statements:
- It is recommended to use 25 pollen parents in a pollen mix.
- Test families become considerable more accurate if they are large, even 50 is not at all as accurate as an infinite number.
- DPM can remain as a general mating design for generating the recruitment population, while it is also rather accurate for progeny-testing.
- SPM is sufficient for forwarding the breeding population and can be used
in low input situations or in lower ranking strata of the breeding population.

Nr 94-2009    Publicerad 2009-01-01 00:04

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